IoMT Platform Smart Healthcare

an aged-friendly project

Self-development, production, and delivery of equipment for the disabled

Development and production of

elderly-friendly medical devices/beauty products

Using artificial intelligence and big data

I try to solve the problems of seniors and the disabled.


Improve the quality of life of seniors through senior-friendly products and technologies.

To help with the natural aging process,

We are developing products from a With-aging perspective.

To build a brand image in the age-friendly industry

We operate an online shopping mall to make contact with ordinary customers.

Aged-friendly medical devices

Functional beauty

Commercialization of bedsore prevention cushions with electric power for the first time in the world

Automatic air-room charging method, distributing pressure evenly through three-zone rotation division

Authorization for electric cushioning for bedsore prevention and acquisition of level 2 GMP for medical devices

Senior Body Care Products

Analysis of skin ability that falls due to natural aging

Planning with-aging with-aging products that can be helpful